Well, no one prepared us for what was to come.
Sunday, 4/5 was another beach day for us, although we noticed more people in town and a few clusters of tents right on the beach. What fun to camp out on the beach for a few days, I thought. (I have wonderful memories of camping out in Red Rock Park with Bob, Freddy, and our dear friend, Dei.)
Also, the Government decided that more lifeguards needed to be stationed along the beach for the upcoming week and their numbers rose from four to maybe 24. I guess lots of people were expected in town for a few days, and I've always felt more lifeguards were needed on the weekends anyway.
This photo was taken early Saturday morning , 4/4 from the terraza. You can just spot a few tents and virtually no activity. We wouldn't see this peaceful sight for many days.
By Sunday, 4/5 more people were arriving and setting up housekeeping on the beach. I'm talking large families, many with their pets.
Even The Marines patrolled up and down the beach daily.
Like I mentioned, we weren't prepared for what followed.
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